• 1-782-234-2507
  • don@donsmeltzer.ca
  • Canada

Consulting / Workshops / Publications / Interim Management

Public Sector Consulting with Tangible Outcomes

Don has more than 35 years experience as an educator and consultant, specializing in public sector training, management and policy. He has a strong track record of positive contributions to municipal organizations and providing interim management during times of unexpected change and/or dysfunctional governance. Don’s stewardship of the Maritime Municipal Training and Development Board (MMTDB), Dalhousie University, earned his reputation as a Canadian leader in municipal education and professional development. Check out Don's latest publication, "A Matter of Choice" Ethical Municipal Government. Share a story about ethical/unethical practices in government. Ask a question. Send your story or questions to: don@donsmeltzer.ca


Available Services


* Ethical Governance *Council-Staff Relations *New Council Orientation


Don specializes in providing interim management services.


See Don's latest publication - A Matter of Choice.

Strategic Advice

High quality, professional advice to management and Council.

Upcoming Workshops

Workshops are designed for senior and middle management and for members of municipal council. Topics include Council-Staff Relations, Roles-Responsibilities, Orientation for New Councillors, and Ethical Governance. Learning opportunities are provided through group discussion, real-life case studies, personal reflection and presentations.

Upcoming workshops will be posted here. Please check back regularly for upcoming dates, or reach out to book a workshop for your municipality.

21 Case Studies

Ethical Municipal Governance Publication


A Must Read for Council Members

A Matter of Choice is a must-read for council members and senior municipal staff.


Case Studies and Training Resources

It contains case studies and training resources to improve your team's management and ethical decision making skills.


Core Values of Democracy

Encourages thoughtful self-analysis and discussion about values which are fundamental to democracy.


What They're Saying

"I have read A Matter of Choice and am promoting it to others! Any new Councillor or mayor can benefit from having this publication."

Sherri Walsh LL.B., B.A.

Integrity Commissioner City of Winnipeg

"I can see these cases being used for training purposes for new and even experienced Councillors. Also, online academic courses (can) be based on these cases."

David Gingras

Analyst and Lead Product Developer Municipal Intelligence Centre

"The case studies are very practical ... the collection represents good training material. All Councillors, new and returning, should have a copy of A Matter of Choice."

Don Fitzgerald

Executive Director Province of New Brunswick

"I have read A Matter of Choice and am promoting it to others! Any new Councillor or mayor can benefit from having this publication."

Ivan Gallant

Councillor and Former Mayor Town of Kensington

"... a renewed emphasis on the need for meaningful discussion around ethical governance ... A Matter of Choice - contributes to this important dialogue."

Andrea Jeffs

Finance Officer/Event Coordinator Association of Municipal Administrators

"I really enjoyed your book on ethics ... it will serve as my go-to reference ... will require focused attention by municipal administrators in the years ahead."

Rob Philpott

Chief Financial Officer City of Summerside

A Must Read for Councillors and Municipal staff

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